a love affair between the ocean and a stone…
She is an ocean;
and i am a stone
tossed into her depths ~
a restless heart,
carried by her waves ~
only for me to embrace
her erratic tides;
She is an ocean;
and i am a stone
tossed into her depths ~
a restless heart,
carried by her waves ~
only for me to embrace
her erratic tides;
for i am a stone;
and stones need water
so we can move ~
so we can realize that there is life ~
and that we exist.
but unlike other stones,
i fell in love with an ocean
whose drops of crystalline eyes
have jailed my heart ~
deep, elegant, serene ~
and can soon cast me
to some deserted shore ~
only to be abandoned.
yet she will always be the finest liquid
to my eyes ~
pure, blameless ~
because i am only a stone;
and she is an ocean
with all the right
to break a stone.